Can Your South Carolina Roofer Help with Storm Damage Insurance Claims?

The hurricane season is upon us again! With August and September being the peak months for hurricanes in South Carolina, many local homeowners are preparing for possible damage brought by these powerful tropical systems. Insurance that protects against storm damage is always helpful, especially roof-focused policies. Unfortunately, in some cases, the industry will pit property […]
What It Means to be a GAF® Factory-Certified Roofer

For many years, GAF® shingles have remained the number one selling shingles in America — for numerous good reasons. From their innate durability to their impressive aesthetics, homeowners love the wide variety of GAF roofing products. But making the most out of GAF shingles is more than just buying the product and having it installed. […]
Why Metal Panels are Ideal for Commercial Applications

You may have heard about the growing popularity of residential metal roofing, but did you know that metal roof panels were originally used as protection for large industrial structures? For most of the 20th century, and to some extent even to this day, when metal roofing is the topic of discussion, images of long, dull […]
Get Your SC Roof Ready for the Summer Heat (and Storms)

With the intense summer heat — and storm season — just around the corner for South Carolina residents, it’s that time again to start preparing your home for all the things summer brings along with it. While it’s much easier to maintain roofs in summer than in winter, summertime comes with its own sets of […]
5 Things to Consider When Getting a Commercial Roof Replacement

Are you thinking about your next choice of commercial roofing? If your existing roof is failing and needs a replacement, choosing a new one may seem like a daunting task due to the extensive range of options available on the construction market these days. A good starting point when choosing a new commercial roof is […]